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Ahtavakrasana "Eight Angle Pose"

Posted on June 30 2019

How to Eight Angle Pose

Pronunciation: (astuh-vuh-KRAHS-ah-nuh)


Also called:

  • Ashtavakrasana



  • Intermediate




Counter Pose:


This pose helps to strengthen your wrists, arms, and shoulders. It also stretches your hamstrings. 


How it's done:

  1. Warm up your wrists and hips before beginning this pose.
  2. Sit with legs straight in front of you
  3. Bend one leg and slide arm under it. 
  4. Move knee as high as you can towards the shoulder
  5. Open both hands wide to give a strong base, and place on floor
  6. Cross ankles
  7. Lift hips off the floor, bend elbows, lower chest
  8. Straighten legs.




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