YogaPaws Blog for Beginner Poses and Postures
Best yoga resources for new yoga practitioners
Posted on December 01 2017
We've collected some of our favorite resources in the following categories: blogs, forums, apps, and equipment. Whether you're a yoga veteran or just beginning, here's some great information to expand your horizons, fun apps, and awesome equipment.
Express Yourself: Four Yoga Poses to Give Voice to Your Fifth Chakra
Posted on December 01 2017
Whether you’re Facebooking or face-to-face chatting, you’re engaging your Fifth Chakra. This wheel of energy is located in your throat and governs communication, faith and understanding. It’s called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, which means purity.
Creating Your Dream Life
Posted on December 01 2017
If you’re like most people, you probably fantasize about waking up and having your life be exactly the way you want it. Now, think about what you would do if you could put all those things on a holiday wish list.
See Clearly: Yoga Poses for Balancing Your Sixth Chakra
Posted on November 25 2017
Every time you bring your folded hands to your forehead at the close of a yoga practice, you’re getting in touch with Ajna (or Agnya), your Sixth Chakra.
Five Yoga Poses for Happy Hips
Posted on November 25 2017
Virtually every movement you make originates in your hip cradle, from walking to standing to sitting to bending over to pick up your mat. But, it’s also an area that holds a lot of baggage, both physical and emotional.
Chakras and Yoga Poses
Posted on November 24 2017
There are seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body that become blocked by longheld tension and low self-esteem. But practicing poses that correspond to each chakra can release these blocks and clear the path to higher consciousness.
Bend and Breathe: Five Yoga Poses your Knees Will Love
Posted on November 17 2017
Your knees probably don’t get much attention—until you strain or injure them. Tight or weak quadriceps, hamstrings or the IT band can “pull” your knees out of alignment, destabilizing the joint and risking injury. Yoga can be a key piece of the puzzle to keep your knees healthy. Yoga’s emphasis on developing and stretching the small stabilizer muscles around the knee helps prevent injury and pain.
Chakra Series: Five Grounding Yoga Poses to Balance the Root Chakra
Posted on November 17 2017
Imagine yourself as the tree, with a deep woody root base that connects you to the physical world. Just as the tree drinks in the sunshine, you drink in the nourishing air around you, each breath a taste of sunshine that gives you a sense of well-being. This is the essence of a balanced muladhara, or base chakra
Five Yoga Poses to Stretch Your Hamstrings
Posted on November 14 2017
Tight hamstrings are the bane of many yogis. If you’re one of them, you know that pinching feeling as you begin to release into Uttanasana (Forward Bend). A tautness grips your hamstrings and, as you try to reach down, your fingertips stubbornly hover a foot above the floor—and the gap doesn’t seem to be closing any day soon.
Yoga For Men: 10 Yoga Poses For Strength And Flexibility
Posted on November 13 2017
Of the 15,000,000 people who practice Yoga at least once a month, 27% are male. In fact, guys that take one yoga class per week or doing a couple of pre-workout poses can increase endurance, build strength, prevent injuries, and may even stave off heart disease..
Yoga Poses To Trim Belly Fat
Posted on November 13 2017
Yoga exercises can help greatly in the reduction of belly fat and fat deposits in the body. There are several positions in the asanas like Cat Cow Pose, Cobra Pose, and Boat Pose, which help in reduction of the belly fat with the twists and the elongations exercises in yoga.
Yogic Tips for De-Stressing During the Holidays
Posted on November 10 2017
The weeks leading up to the holidays can really fill up your to-do list. So, before this festive season becomes one more stressor, set an intention to give yourself a gift right now: the gift of calm.
Deep Cleaning: Yoga Poses for Detox
Posted on October 31 2017
Just as layers of dust dull the beauty of wood or glass, the build-up of stress, negative thoughts, and draining emotions can stop a human being’s full beauty from shining through. Committing to a detoxifying regimen can help clear all that debris, get you back to your center, and re-energize you at every level.
Yoga for a Better Blue Planet
Posted on December 31 2009
YogaPaws joined MeiMei Fox for the Expedition: Blue Plant with Alexandra Cousteau. The Expedition Blue Planet chronicled the interconnectivity of water. A key aspect of the project was its ability to show how individual stories are part of the larger, universal story of an interdependent, global water ecosystem.