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Salamba Sarvangasana "Supported Shoulder Stand Pose"

Posted on July 29 2019

Pronunciation: (SAH-lahm-buh sar-vahn-GAHS-ah-nuh)


Also called:

  • Supported Whole Body Pose



  • Intermediate




Benefits: When you need your brain to find peace, this is another pose to take away mind-fog, relieves stress, and boost your energy. It provides stretch to the neck and shoulders.  Your back, abdomen, and legs are toned. 

How it's done:

  • Begin in Halasana (Plow Pose)
  • Raise both legs overhead - heels above hips, hips above shoulders.
  • Use your hands to support your lower back on each side of your spine.
  • Pull your chin away from your chest to reduce pressure on the cervical area of your neck. 


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