Posted on July 28 2019
Pronunciation: (pahrs-vo-TAHN-ah-sahn-na)
Also called: |
Level: |
Chakra: |
Benefits: This lengthening pose stretches the thigh, calf, hamstring, ankles, and ankles. When arms are in reverse prayer position there is a great stretch to the shoulders and triceps as well.
How it's done:
- There are many preparatory poses to this position, with legs in the pyramid position, and a flat back
- Arms straight out
- One arm out, one on the lower back
- Grabbing wrists behind the back
- Arms open to the sides
- Both hands on the front shin
- Hands on the toes of the flexed front foot
- Both hands on the calf of the rear leg
- Palms on the floor of either side of the front foot
- The nose or chin on the front shin, fingertips to the floor at the rear foot
- Nose to the shin of the front leg, hands in prayer around the thigh of the front leg
- And finally, the nose to the shin of the front leg, arms in reverse prayer position behind the back