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Make Yoga Practical For Travel & Home

Yoga-Syz with Gail Getzwiller.  This class will take you though the Yoga-Syz video and a demonstration of the new YOGA-PAWS invention! The video consists of two 18-min sessions of a flowing sequence of traditional Hatha Yoga Postures.  The 2nd session introduces movements for strengthening the stomach, arms, and gluts. A fun and unique workout for busy people who want to stay in shape, lose weight, increase flexibility, and relieve stress.  Gail has been practicing and teaching Yoga for over 30 years, and received her certification in Tucson at the Yoga Connection.  She created Yoga-Syz from a love of yoga and a need to share with others.  You will want to see the latest new Yoga Prop.  YogaPaws mitts for your hands and feet that make Yoga practical for travel and at home, without a sticky mat!

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