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Anjaneyasana "Crescent Lunge Pose"

Posted on July 21 2019

Pronunciation: (ahn-juh-ney-ah-sun-nuh)



Also called:

  • Son of Anjani (Lord Hanuman) Lunge Pose
  • Low Lunge



  • Beginner



Benefits:  This pose stretches and strengthens the quadriceps and calves. It also benefits the chest, lungs, tummy, and groin by opening them. 

How it's done:

  • Stand with feet together. take a step back with the left leg. 
  • Make sure the bent knee in front is even with the ankle. 
  • With toes curled to the mat, lower knee to the floor.
  • Raise arms overhead.  Hold Pose.
  • Repeat on the other leg. 


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