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How to Eka Pada Bakasana (Flying Crow Pose or One-Legged Crow Pose) with Laura

Posted on May 17 2018

Welcome to this tutorial on a variation of Crow Pose, or Bakasana.  Please make sure that your core muscles & wrists are well warmed up before giving this a go.

How to do Flying Crow: 

  1. Begin in either Downward Facing Dog or Plank Pose.  Keep the arms strong, & bring the right knee to the right elbow, at the base of the tricep muscle.

  1. Push your weight forwards by coming up on the tiptoes of the left foot.  By shifting the weight forwards, your arms should now be bending towards a right angle, making a ‘shelf’ for the right knee.  Rest the right knee just above the right elbow.  There should be a little ‘dip’ you can feel that you can anchor your knee in.  Doing this also means that you are ‘stacking’ the bones of your lower arm & your shin making the weight easier to support.

  1. Look at a point on the mat, in front of your hands.  Continue leaning your weight forwards... You may need to lean forwards more than you think you do!  Your arms should now be a right angle shape.  Engage the core strongly & extend through the back leg to fly it.

  1. Really grip the mat with your fingers & adjust all the time with your hands to keep the balance.  Reach the back leg up, & back.  The core is strong - pull your navel back towards your spine.  Keep the elbows hugging in towards each other, hug the right foot in towards your hips, & keep the shoulders broad.

Good Luck!

Featuring Laura Large, aka @omniyogagirl


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