Posted on July 30 2019
Pronunciation: (SOOP-tah pahd-ahng-goosh-TAHS-ana)
Also called: |
Level: |
Chakra: |
Benefits: These are delightful poses to open your hips, and stretch your legs and hamstrings. This is a nice stretch for after a run or long walk.
How it's done:
Version 1:
- Lie flat on the floor, face to the sky
- Bend one knee to your chest, and grab your big toe (or use a strap)
- Straighten the leg and stretch it to your ability, sole to the sky
- Both hips should be on the floor - don't let the lifted leg's hip raise off the floor.
- The non-lifted leg should be flat on the floor/mat.
- To release, bend the knee before bringing the foot to the floor.
Version II
- Lie flat on the floor, face to the sky
- Bend one knee to your chest, and grab your big toe (or use a strap)
- Straighten the leg, sole to the sky
- Open hip by taking the leg to the same side as far as you are able.
- Both hips should be on the floor - don't let the opposite hip raise off the floor.
- The non-lifted leg should be flat on the floor/mat.
- To release, bring the leg to the upright position, and bend the knee before bringing the foot to the floor.