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Viparita Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana - Super Soldier Pose

Posted on February 15 2018



Tutorial 1:

Viparita Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
Super Soldier Pose or Inverted Compass pose

Level of difficulty 3/5

Step 1: Start from Uttanasana; be sure to have a steady, balanced, deep forward fold

Step 2: Take the right leg backward, in high lunge. Slide the left arm underneath the left leg. The left shoulder should be comfortably placed under the left leg.

Step 3: Gaze the floor, and breathe deeply. Suck the belly in, Inhale, bend the right leg, and grab the right foot firmly with the left hand.

Take a moment to calm the mind. Sometimes, when we are inverted, it might create a rush of adrenaline that can disturb the balance.

Step 4: Inhale, keep gazing the floor and start lifting the right knee.

Step 5: When you reached the maximum extension, take a deep calming breath and shift the gaze to the right hand.

Tutorial 2:
Viparita Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
Super Soldier Pose or Inverted Compass Pose with fully extended leg.

Level of difficulty 3 to 5

Step 1: as above.

Step 2: as above.

Step 3: Bind the left arm with the left leg, place the left hand between the torso and the left thigh.

Step 4: Inhale, gaze the floor and start lifting the right leg.

Step 5: When you reached the maximum extension take a long deep breath, calm the mind, and shift the gaze to your right hand.

Follow Elena Fabbri on Instagram: @elena_miss_yoga


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