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Three Shoulder Openers and variations with Elena

Posted on February 15 2018

It's important that our joints be open for poses.  Sometimes they need a little encouragement.  Here Elena shares three of her favorite shoulder openers with you. 

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

With Feet up Trainer, The Feet up trainer is a 4-legged stool with an opening for your head.  It gives you an extra boost of stability when learning inversion poses.  If you don't have one, a yoga wheel, blocks, or a workout bench will do. 

First Variation: (legs bent)
Keep the knees bent, and place the hands behind the outside frame or to make it a bit more intense on the inner side frame.

You can stay here as long as you like, and remember to breathe deeply.

You can also use two light dumbells for an extra stretch.


Second Variation: (legs extended)

With fully extended legs, place the hands behind the outside frame, or to make it a bit more intense on the inner side frame.

You can stay here as long as you like, and remember to breathe deeply.

Uttana Shishosana (Puppy Pose) 

Here you have plenty of options. My suggestion is to repeat the entire sequence from five to ten times:

Inhale, exhale deeply and slowly. At each exhale, push a bit more the chest toward the floor 

Viparita Shvanakasana in Picha Mayurasana
(Inverted Puppy Dog Pose in Peacock Feather Pose ... or Forearmstand and handstand with bent legs)

These two are both quite intense, be mindful and don’t overextend.

Shifting the gaze form backward, to forward it might help to feel the shoulders opening even more.

Follow Elena on Instagram:  @elena_miss_yoga



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