Posted on April 11 2019
If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, chances are your instructor has offered an intention or “Sankalpa” for students to come back to during their practice. Intention setting is a great way to start a yoga practice, or even just to begin your day. But what does it mean to set an intention, and how do you choose to set one?
An intention is a core value that you wish to live by. The intentions and mantras you set before your practice are often things that can help guide you far beyond the 4 corners of your mat. For example, if your intention is to focus on your breath, you could also use that intention in the real world. When things get tough and overwhelming out there, you can always come back to your breath to guide you through your most difficult tasks.
Intentions are things that you want to align within your life or something that can ground you during your practice, once your mind starts to drift. Here are some tips for setting an intention for your next practice:
Find a Meaningful Word or Phrase |
An intention is a very personal thing to each person and can easily change based on your own personal experiences from week to week. Intentions can be as simple as a single word, a phrase, or even quote you find inspiring. Try to be uplifting, positive and encouraging with your intentions, rather than focusing on something negative. Some examples are: Letting go of things that no longer serve you; stepping out of your comfort zone; linking breath to movement; practicing non-judgment; or grounding yourself.
Tune Inward |
Try tuning into your own life and focusing on what you would like to change or improve on. Asking yourself questions such as “what am I grateful for” or “what would I like to let go of” are very helpful. If there is something in your life that has been challenging, try dedicating your practice to that situation. When you send light to difficult circumstances in your life, you help lessen that negative energy surrounding that situation. It’s a great way to help you overcome challenges in your life!
Manifest |
Ask yourself what you hope to cultivate in your own life. An intention is a point of focus that can be taken off your mat, so try to find something that can be translated into the real world. Manifesting is a powerful tool that can help us achieve great things in our lives. It has been said that your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. If you are constantly being negative, then you are most likely going to attract and manifest negative energy. Try finding positive things you would like to incorporate more into your life and come back to them again and again. |
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Stephanie Morgan is a yoga instructor and fitness, fashion & lifestyle blogger from Chicago! Yoga has impacted her life in so many ways, and she loves having the opportunity to teach and share her practice with others. She hopes to encourage and inspire other people to follow their dreams and find new levels of possibility in their minds and bodies by bringing their practice off their mat and into their lives! You can find her blog at