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Urdhva Dhanurasana "Wheel Pose"

Posted on July 30 2019

Pronunciation: (Urd-vah dah-nur-AHS-ah-nuh)


Also called:

  • Upward Bow Pose
  • Backbend



  • Intermediate




Benefits: Because your weight is being supported by your legs and arms - you are strengthening your legs and arms, and wrists, glutes, the abdomen, and back. 

How it's done:

  • To fully come into this pose, back flexibility is required. 
  • It is very helpful to make sure your quadriceps (thighs) are stretched out before this pose.
  • Make sure your weight is forward and over your shoulders so that your wrists are protected and not at an awkward angle. 
  • Keep your knees and thighs pulled in to center. 
  • Instead of taking you step by step for this pose, please watch the video below for instruction on how to master this pose. 


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